The Hawkesbury River system is a popular and productive jewfish spot that Kev Savvas has been fishing for decades. Some awesome tips shared in this episode!
Exploring Prime Lure Fishing Spots in the Hawkesbury River System

The Hawkesbury River System offers exceptional lure fishing, with a vast expanse of waterways and a diverse range of fish species. The system is also noted as a destination for those chasing large mulloway. For the land-based angler there are numerous Hawkesbury fishing spots – a quick scan of Google Earth will identify plenty of options. Obviously boat and kayak fishing spots are even mre plentiful! This article focuses on the a few of the best spots for lure fishing in the Hawkesbury River System, the types of fish you can expect to encounter, and the ideal times of the year to visit these spots.
Wiseman’s Ferry
During the warmer months, low rainfall allows the tide to push up to Wiseman’s Ferry and the river comes alive with bream, flathead, Australian Bass and estuary perch. Mulloway (jewfish) also turn up in these months, giving lure fishing enthusiasts plenty to target. Lure enthusiasts can cast their lines near rocky structures, oyster leases, and sandbars to attract these sought-after catches. A wide range of lures can work well, but paddletail soft plastics, and particularly soft plastic prawns are very effective.
Bar Point
Bar Point is a prime location for lure fishing during autumn and winter when the water is cooler. Anglers can target mulloway, flathead and bream using a variety of lures, including soft plastics and hardbody lures. The rocky outcrops and submerged logs provide ideal hiding spots for these species.
The town of Spencer offers year-round lure fishing opportunities. There’s plenty of land based access and for those with a boat or kayak the ramp is handy not only to the main river, but to a number of smaller creek systems that connect with the river in this area. Mulloway are a prime target, particularly during the spring months but casting your lures around structure will turn up quality flathead and bream. Additionally, the diverse structure of the river in this area provides an excellent chance to hook tailor and even hairtail.
Dangar Island
Dangar Island, located in the heart of the Hawkesbury River, is a lure fishers haven during spring and summer. The warmer waters attract species like bream, flathead, and tailor, making it a perfect spot for lure fishing. Try using surface lures early in the morning or late in the afternoon for an exciting topwater fishing experience.
Cowan Creek
This system is heavily fished, but remains productive for a massive range of species. It’s a well-known haunt for large mulloway, especially in the Jerusalem Bay area, the Smith’s Creek arm and even up to Bobbin Head. Bream, flathead, tailor and whiting are also popular targets in this part of the Hawkesbury system.
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