Liam Williams
NSW Mid-North Coast Fishing Personality
Liam was born and bred on the NSW Mid-North Coast and for his entire life has lure fishing at South West Rocks for a massive range of species. Snapper are among his favourites and he’s fished for them on soft plastic lures for over 14 years.
Liam’s Tips For Snapper Fishing At South West Rocks
- Snapper in spring and summer tend to sit on the leading edge of a reef where the current is hitting it head on. They’re unlikely to be on top of the reef and are more often found on the gravelly, weedy areas in front of the reef.
- In the South West Rocks area the East Australia Current strikes the projecting land and eddies back to the north
- When snapper fishing at South West Rocks, look for reefs that have around 10 -15m of water over them and drop off 5m or so when you come off the reef. Fish can also be found on the back end where the reef has dropped off, but the front end is usually where bigger fish reside.
- Perfect Conditions consist of a 10-15 knot South Westerly breeze one week after the full moon, especially if you can be on your chosen reef as the sun first kisses the horizon or as it fades out at the end of the day. If you can get a tide change within a few hours of the dawn or dusk the bite period can be extended.
Liam’s Snapper Fishing Tackle
- Liam uses a Penn 721 Regiment 4-8kg spin rod, 3000 size Penn Clash spin reel, 20lb Owner braided line and 20lb fluorocarbon leader will handle most snapper.
Liam’s Snapper Lures For Fishing South West Rocks
- The Berkley Gulp 9″ Jerk Shad is Liam’s #1 big snapper lure, particularly in Pilchard or Firetiger colours. He rigs this lure on a Berkley Stealth Jig head in 5/0 size and weights from 1/6 to 3/8 oz, depending on conditions and water depth. Liam likes to cast this lure long ahead of the drifting boat, let it sink to the bottom and then work it with relatively aggressive rod lifts, winding down as the lure sinks to stay in touch. Be prepared for the lure to be taken on the initial drop, or anytime it’s on the drop thereafter.
- The Kachi Kachi Gamais an octo-style jig that can simply be dropped down beneath the drifting boat and given enough line that it will sit a metre or two above the bottom. The rod can then be placed in a rod holder while the angler fishes soft plastics ahead of the drift. As the boat approaches the reef, wind the lure up so it clears the bottom, then drop it down again on the other side of the reef. A good lure when the fish are down deeper.
- The 4″ Berkley Gulp Shrimp is Liam’s “quiet day lure” and is fished on a slightly heavier jig head than the jerk shad. It’s fished in much the same way as the jerk shad though, just more gently and closer to the bottom.
Episode 576: NE Tasmania Snapper With Jack Gillespie
Jack Gillespie has the snapper population on the NE coast of Tasmania figured out and in today’s interview offers his tips and advice for inshore snapper on lures and light tackle.
Episode 557: Corio Bay & Geelong Fishing Spots With John Didge
John Didge Radio Personality, Sponsored Angler John has over 40 years experience fishing Corio Bay. He's co-hosted various fishing radio shows for the Geelong region for over 30 years, written articles and presented fishing from stage. John is a soft plastic lure...
Discover the Best Fishing Spots in Southeast Queensland this Spring
For the boating angler, Southeast Queensland during spring is all about big snapper, quality jewfish, threadfin salmon, flathead and plenty more! Nabeel Issa is a multiple time ALF podcast guest and always has plenty of great info to share. Today he walks us through why spring is his favourite time to fish in SEQ and gives us the rundown on how, when and where.