Episode 412: Canberra Redfin With Ganesh Suppiah
Ganesh Suppiah is a Canberra based shore and kayak angler who enjoys consistent results on quality redfin.
Ganesh Suppiah is a Canberra based shore and kayak angler who enjoys consistent results on quality redfin.
Lake Fyans is a destination that offers redfin perch in both quantity and quality. Angus James explains his strategies.
Redfin are everywhere throughout our southern freshwater systems. And while they may be a pest, they’re also a good fishing target and not bad on the plate, either!
Lake Purrumbete is famous as a trout fishery, but also holds good quality and quantities of redfin. Mick Evans is a professional freshwater fishing guide in Victoria and shares his tips for redfin fishing in this episode.
Redfin Perch are often overlooked as a sports fish, but as WA fishing guru Frank Prokop explains, the humble redfin offers anglers a challenge as well as a tasty feed.