Tyson Zarew
Canberra Murray Cod Fishing Enthusiast
Tyson has fished the Murrumbidgee River intensively for Murray cod over a number of years, and it doesn’t take too much time spent on his social media profiles to realise he has them figured out. When he’s not chasing the big green fish in the Murrumbidgee landbased or from a small punt, he’s often targeting them in the many impoundments around Canberra.
Tyson’s Tips For Murrumbidgee River Murray Cod
- It is advisable to explore beyond heavily fished areas to increase the chances of success. Look for structure and cover, such as snags, fallen trees, and rocks, where cod tend to hide and ambush prey.
- It is recommended to focus on areas with a mix of current and slower-moving water, such as the top of pools or the base of rapids.
- Fishing during low-light periods, like dawn and dusk, when Murray cod are more active, is often effective. Steady flows and clear water seem to favour cod fishing.
- It’s worth monitoring the water conditions using resources like the Water Live app to assess water levels and clarity.
- If the water becomes murky due to heavy rain or flooding it’s best to consider fishing in nearby dams instead, or wait for it to settle.
- Patience and persistence are essential and it helps to enjoy the process of exploring the river, refining techniques, and embracing the challenge of targeting Murray cod.
- Using stronger tackle provides better control and increases the chances of landing large fish. Lighter gear can prove insufficient in handling large cod, robust tackle instils confidence in successfully landing sizable catches.
Tyson’s Murray Cod Tackle
- Two combos are recommended: a heavy one for big swimbaits and surface lures, and a lighter one for spinnerbaits and smaller swimbaits.
- The heavy combo consists of a Millerods DreamFreak (seven-foot rod) and a 1313 Fishing TX3 reel with 40 pounds of drag.
- The lighter combo includes a 13 Fishing Z slide reel and a Beast Freak Millerod for lures weighing two to five ounces.
- For both combos 50lb braid, 50lb leader setup is perfect.
Tyson’s Favourite Murray Cod Lures
- Tyson’s top lure choices for cod fishing are Topwater Paddler, BaitSanity swim bait, and Mumbler (Spinwright brand).
- The Top Attack Topwater Paddler is a big surface lure recommended for early morning fishing when cod are searching for bait. Surface strikes can be really exciting, and Tyson suggests working the lure right back to the feet as hookups can happen as the lure gets back to the rod tip.
- The BaitSanity swim bait is a versatile lure that can be used during prime fishing times if the surface lure isn’t effective. It is best used in the top third of the water column, and a slow rolling retrieve without pauses is recommended.
- The Mumbler (Spinwright brand) is suitable for deeper areas like rock ledges and can be used during the day when the sun is higher. It is not as snag-resistant as a spinnerbait but better than a swim bait. If it gets snagged, a flick can release it. Tyson suggests using a half-ounce or three-quarter-ounce Mumbler with a six-inch plastic trailer in natural colours. Tyson says it is important to feel the vibration of the lure and pay attention to changes in the line when fishing the Mumbler on the drop.

Episode 610: Lake Mulwala Murray Cod With Jack Hocking
Lake Mulwala really starts to fire in the cooler months of the year, and for the Murray Cod enthusiast now is the time to start hitting the water! In today’s episode local guide and Mulwala native Jack Hocking shares his tips for targeting Murray Cod in this storage.

Episode 600: Nagambie Murray Cod With Sunny Brislin-Martins and Caitlin
For Sunny, Murray cod are the pinnacle of freshwater sportsfish. He finds the lake at Nagambie to be particularly challenging but very rewarding.
Episode 539: Top Fishing Spots In NE Victoria During Spring With Robbie Alexander
NE Victoria starts to fire up during the spring period and Robbie Alexander wastes no time taking advantage of the yellowbelly, cod, redfin and trout opportunities that become available. In today’s interview Robbie shares his best advice for top spring time fishing spots.

Episode 610: Lake Mulwala Murray Cod With Jack Hocking
Lake Mulwala really starts to fire in the cooler months of the year, and for the Murray Cod enthusiast now is the time to start hitting the water! In today’s episode local guide and Mulwala native Jack Hocking shares his tips for targeting Murray Cod in this storage.

Episode 600: Nagambie Murray Cod With Sunny Brislin-Martins and Caitlin
For Sunny, Murray cod are the pinnacle of freshwater sportsfish. He finds the lake at Nagambie to be particularly challenging but very rewarding.
Tyson’s Business
Tyson is co-owner AudioTech Tuggeranong – Canberra’s leading specialist in Home A/V, Home Automation, Car A/V, 4×4 parts and everything auto-electrical.
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