Today’s interview with Bomber Farrell is ALF EPISODE 655 Check out our archives for more information on Whiting Fishing With Lures!

Bomber Farrell
Groote Eylandt Fishing Personality
Bomber is a high profile angler who lived and fished on Groote Eylandt for 15 years, but now fishes around Australia as he explores the country with a fishing rod. Well known as a sailfish exponent and accomplished barra angler, Bomber turns his hand at whatever species are available at the time. And on Groote Eylandt, that’s a lot of species!
Bombers Tips For King George Whiting On Lures
- Your lure needs to be right on the bottom at all times. Long casts and slow retrieves assist with this, Bomber timed his retrieve at over four minutes until the lure arrived back at the boat.
- Expect a lot of missed bites when casting lures at King George Whiting. Their fairly small, soft and downwards facing mouths make it difficult for them to easily take soft plastic lures
- Bomber explored various locations across northern Tasmanian estuaries, including Smithton, Port Sorrel, Tamar River mouth, St Helens and more. He found King George whiting in water depths between 1.5m and 4m in clearer and tannin coloured waters. Often fish were caught at the top of the estuary in areas that contain insufficient water at low tide to hold whiting. Focused on broken ground and areas with good water flow.
- Bait fishers often look for patches of sand among weed, but lure fishing for whiting is about finding weed edges, allowing the lure to be in the water for longer.
- The last few hours of the run-in tide tended to fish best in the estuaries. Fish were sometimes taken outside of the estuaries in coastal areas at low tide and at times in fast flowing estuaries it was only possible to fish for short periods right near the tide change when the flow slowed sufficiently.
- Tasmania can be a windy place, but Bomber found that KGW were happy to take lures even on windy days. Position yourself so the wind assists your casting.
- Bomber used a little Squidgies S Factor scent on his King George whiting lures. He’s vowed he’ll try more crustacean based scents in future.
Bombers Tackle for whiting lure fishing
- A 1000-size Shimano reel with 5lb braided line and an 8lb fluorocarbon leader coupled with a 6’9″ Shimano graphite rod was perfect for King George whiting, but also handled a range of other freshwater and estuarine species in northern Tasmania.
Whiting Fishing Lures And Techniques
- The Squidgy Wriggler in 100mm size worked very well, particularly those with a red coloration. The 120mm size also worked when Bomber ran low on the smaller lures.
- Hook size was chosen to suit the size of plastic, with weights from 1/16th to 1/4 ounce coming into play, depending on tide and water flow conditions.
- Bomber experimented with placing the hook higher in the plastic to convert more bites into hookups. This worked, but left the plastics prone to being torn by the hook. A spot of superglue helped save some lures.
- It’s important to keep working the lure after a missed bite as whiting often miss the hook completely and will come back for another bite.

Targeting Tuross Lake Whiting With Starlo
Topwater whiting fishing on lures is fun, exciting and accessible to anyone living along the Aussie coastline. Today’s interview focuses on one of the original “whiting on poppers” destinations though, Tuross Lake – and to take us there is gun angler and Tuross local Steve Starling.
Mastering Topwater Whiting Around Mackay With Luke Galea
The humble whiting might not be the first species that you consider when you’re fishing in Central Queensland, but it’s a fun and viable lure fishing target all year around. Mackay fishing identity Luke Galea explains.
Episode 599: Clarence Estuary Whiting With Nick Haynes
Usually when we talk the Clarence River system we are focused on bass, bream, jacks or jewfish. But Nick Haynes also does pretty well targeting Clarence whiting on surface lures.
Episode 569: Lake Macquarie On Lures With Dan Guilfoyle. Part 1: Summer.
Lake Macquarie might cop a lot of fishing pressure over the summer months, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some great opportunities on offer for those in the know about how, when and where to fish! Dan Guilfoyle shares a lifetime of local knowledge for those keen to hit the water in the coming months.
Episode 557: Corio Bay & Geelong Fishing Spots With John Didge
John Didge Radio Personality, Sponsored Angler John has over 40 years experience fishing Corio Bay. He's co-hosted various fishing radio shows for the Geelong region for over 30 years, written articles and presented fishing from stage. John is a soft plastic lure...

Targeting Tuross Lake Whiting With Starlo
Topwater whiting fishing on lures is fun, exciting and accessible to anyone living along the Aussie coastline. Today’s interview focuses on one of the original “whiting on poppers” destinations though, Tuross Lake – and to take us there is gun angler and Tuross local Steve Starling.
Mastering Topwater Whiting Around Mackay With Luke Galea
The humble whiting might not be the first species that you consider when you’re fishing in Central Queensland, but it’s a fun and viable lure fishing target all year around. Mackay fishing identity Luke Galea explains.