Romen Dicovski
Freshwater Fishing Specialist And Fishing Videographer
Romen has been Murray cod fishing in Googong Dam, for over a decade and specialises in catching very large fish – he’s developed some specialised and very effective techniques too. When Romen isn’t fishing he’s producing fishing DVD’s such as the “Googong Green and Gold” series and his current project “Green and Gold on the road”.
Romen’s Murray Cod Fishing Tips
- There’s no substitute for time on the water when it comes to Murray Cod fishing. There are things you can do to minimise wasted time, but you have to put in the hours to reap the rewards.Googong cod are not only long, they’re very thick and heavy for their size, so don’t go under-gunned and make sure your knots and every aspect of your tackle are rock-solid.
- It’s important to keep good records of the basic conditions, when and where you see fish and what tackle you are using when you catch a fish. Patterns emerge over time, and you’ll begin to understand when, where and how to fish a given waterway.
- Googong is a daylight access only storage, so anglers don’t have the advantage of being able to fish after dark. Early mornings and late afternoons when the sun is low fish best in the shallows, with fish usually moving into deeper water of 5-20m once the sun gets higher.
- Murray cod fishing in Googong is a year-round option except during the closed season (spring). However, it’s a lot easier to catch quantities of fish from November to May, with smaller numbers, but larger sized, fish usually coming through the cooler months.
- Prime bite times are dependent on conditions but Romen usually finds any kind of changing weather patterns (wind shifts, barometer changes, water level/quality etc) will stimulate bites. If any of these coincides with dawn/dusk and peak solunar times from the almanac you have the ingredients for the best cod fishing. Or not.
- When fishing shorelines, put in a cast, move 5 feet and put in another. Keep doing this and don’t cast twice at the same spot unless you get a follow or a hit.
- Murray cod in Googong Dam don’t stay in one place, they have a territory that may be 100-500m long. Watch them on your sounder until you figure out their movements. Mark every fish on your sounder and spend time figuring out what’s holding them in that particular spot.
Romen’s Cod Fishing Tackle
- Roman fishes fast tapered baitcast rods with matching reels and 40-60lb Suffix 832 braid, plus a 40-60lb thin, supple and abrasion resistant fluorocarbon leader.
Romen’s Murray Cod Fishing Lures
- The 70mm Rapala Rippin Rap is Romens first choice of lure, which he usually fishes vertically in deeper water. The technique is to find the fish on the sounder and drop the Rippin Rap down to it, working it with vertical hops in close proximity to the fish. The combination of noise and vibration often results in the lure being taken. It can also be cast and retrieved along shorelines, keeping it as close to the bottom as possible.
- Storm SX Soft Vibe is fished in the same way as the Rapala Rippin Rap and is a great option if the fish are a bit quiet and not as active in taking lures. Being smaller and thinner profile, it’s also a good choice if there are yellowbelly in the mix.
- Storm 8” RIP Shad soft plastic swimbait in redfin pattern with a beetle spin accessory. Romen rigs this lure on a standard jig head but puts two stingers in the lure body. The beetlespin arm can be added with different colour blades if the water is a little less clear and he’s looking for additional flash and vibration.
Episode 625: Murrumbidgee River Murray Cod With Tyson Zarew
The Murray Cod fishing in Canberra’s Murrumbidgee River system can be next level, as Tyson Zarew shares in this interview. Get the full rundown on how where and with what to fish for them!
Episode 610: Lake Mulwala Murray Cod With Jack Hocking
Lake Mulwala really starts to fire in the cooler months of the year, and for the Murray Cod enthusiast now is the time to start hitting the water! In today’s episode local guide and Mulwala native Jack Hocking shares his tips for targeting Murray Cod in this storage.
Episode 600: Nagambie Murray Cod With Sunny Brislin-Martins and Caitlin
For Sunny, Murray cod are the pinnacle of freshwater sportsfish. He finds the lake at Nagambie to be particularly challenging but very rewarding.
Can you please supply Romen’s email so I may purchase his DVDs.
I do not have a facebook account and will never establish one.
Thank you
David Suthern
Hi David, I’ve emailed you his contacts.
Ditto please … and for the exact same reason too.
Email sent Jon 😉
I own all 3 Googong Green & Gold DVDs, but not “On The Road”. And I’ve watched all of Romen’s clips posted on Facebook too (more please).
And from those I have a fair idea of his boat. Nice way of attaching the net mate. So, what brand of net is it since it’s not a Berkley silicon rubber nor a Shimano environet, but something much deeper and strong enough to swim a 1 metre cod off the bow.
I can also see the boat is dripping with Lowrance electronics and even a swivel transducer pole, presumably for the LiveSight transducer. Mate, there’s enough good oil here to do a 10 minute video on how you’ve set-up you boat up, and why.
It also sports a MotorGuide Xi5 up front. Given that Googong (Nogong, LOL) and also Lake Burley Griffin are “electric only” waters, I’m wondering what kind of batteries Romen uses? I’m guessing AGM, but what make, model, AH rating, etc?
I’ve fished Googong one or twice and it’s always been a two battery day(one up / one back). However, with a head wind & a bit of chop, getting back to the ramp on a rapidly flattening battery before the ranger locks the gate can be touch & go.
Flash electric boats aside, I’m also wondering whether Romen has walked the banks of Googong and if so what tips & tricks he might care to share.
Perhaps this could be the basis of another ALF episode, as might Googong Redfin and Lake Burley Griffin Natives?
Xtreme Armchair Angler….the net is a GaffMan branded net in extra large size.
I will do a run through of my boat in due course, and that will be on my Facebook page.
I run a Torqeedo 10hp electric motor on the back for traveling. It is a 48volt setup. I run the motor with two 24volt Torqeedo branded magnesium lithium 104 amp hour batteries.
Also, I now run a Lowrance Ghost trolling motor on the front, which is another level of awesomeness with any bowmount I have ever used. It is interchangeable from 24-36 volts, and I run it at 24volts and it’s got serious power for a bowmount. Which is perfect for a one motor option in electric only dams especially!
Walking the banks is how I started at Googong and I landed my first meter long Murray Cod there walking the bank. The same principles apply with working the entire water column and keeping your lure near the bottom throughout the retrieve (you will lose lures but have higher chance of catching fish). Also, constantly moving and not repeat casting in the same area without a hit (1-2 casts maximum in same spot). Look for isolated visible structures and focus on gaps between grouped structure.
Definitely, keen to do a yellowbelly and redfin segment.
Hey Romen – thanks heaps for your comprehensive reply.
It sounds like you’ve put a lot of time & effort into setting up your electric boat. The 10HP Torqeedo stern drive & 48v lithium battery bank are amazing. And the 24v upgrade at the bow to the latest from Lowrance must have made a big difference too, especially when linked to your Live sounder. Definitely looking forward to that guided boat tour!
When the season reopens I’ve now made it my mission to explore Googong from the shoreline, but in the mean time I’m hoping to hear more from you on ALF and also your Youtube channel.
Hi Romen – great podcast.
I have some Rippin’Raps but hooks look not suitable for Cod.
Any suggestions how to upgrade the hardware without overpowering the lure?