Ben’s Top Tips For Geraldton Tailor Fishing
- There are numerous beaches in the Geraldton area that fish very well for average sized tailor, but the reef systems to the south of Geraldton are home to the jumbo models. These jut out at right Angles to the shore and can be waded on an incoming tide with care.
- Don’t believe the old wives tale that tailor are only caught in the early mornings and late evenings. They can be caught at any time of day as long as there’s bait present.
- Days with a 30km/hr southerly, an incoming tide and a brewing storm are the absolute pinnacle of tailor fishing on the reef systems around Geraldton. Plenty of chop and white water usually helps stimulate a bite.
- Don’t gear up too heavy. The majority of anglers use long, heavy surf rods and miss out on the thrill of fighting this prime sport fish on light gear.
- Tailor on the Geraldton reef systems can sometimes be taken 30 or more metres from the rocks, but often the largest fish are feeding in the wash right at the edge of the rocks, making long casts unnecessary.
- Ben prefers not to use wire trace when he’s tailor fishing, unless the fish are super aggressive. Instead he uses larger lures in the 150mm size range that are less likely to be taken down deep and result in a bite-off.
- Work your Lures all the way from where they land to the rod tip, don’t stop working them when they get close to shore as big fish are often near the waters edge.
Ben’s Tailor Fishing Tackle
- Ben uses a Penn Conflict freaky light 702 medium 7’, 4 to 8 kg rod and a Penn Slammer reel, 20lb Berkley braid mainline and a 30-40lb Black Magic Fluorocarbon Leader. (This differs from the audio recording, see comments below).
Ben’s Best Tailor Fishing Lures
- Jackson Muscle Shot is Bens favourite lure for tailor fishing and is very simple to work. Cast it long and rip it back as fast as you can, with the rod tip pointed down. As the lure nears the rocks, lift the rod tip to minimise the risk of getting snagged. this lure can work in any conditions.
- Halco Roosta Poppers are a great choice for tailor fishing and can be worked in several different ways. For beginners, cast long and retrieve with the rod tip pointed down. A more advanced technique is to wind fast for 5 turns and then give the lure a big “bloop”, waiting to get nailed on the bloop. Poppers fish best on windy days and give spectacular strikes.
- When the fishing is tough on sunny, clear days with little wind the fish will often go a little deeper. On these days Ben will switch to a metal slice such as the Halco Twisty. If you’re casting over a sandy bottom, let it sink to the bottom and then rip it back at full speed. if you’re over structure start the retrieve earlier.

The Five Best Fishing Spots In Sydney With Luke Kay
The greater Sydney area has no shortage of fishing opportunities for lure tossers, as today’s guest Luke Kay shares in this interview. From the bays and estuaries to the ocean rocks, Luke takes us through where he likes to go in search of fish.
Episode 532: Top Brisbane Landbased Fishing Spots In Winter With Beau Rixon
Brisbane offers an astonishing range of land based fishing options to suit anglers of all skill levels, ranging from the hunble flathead right through to tailor, squid, bass and jewfish. Local fishing tutor and land-based guide Beau Rixon spends a lot of time fishing the area from the shore and teaching others to do the same, so for today’s episode I invited Bea to jump onboard and share some of his favourite land based spots.
Episode 527: Best Botany Bay Winter Fishing Spots With Gary Brown
Botany Bay is an incredibly productive system and in the winter months the crowds thin out and the fishing goes off! Gary Brown has written numerous books and articles on fishing Botany Bay and in today’s ALF episode he shares his favourite winter fishing spots.
Episode 506: Nigel Webster’s Top 5 Winter Fishing Spots On The Sunshine Coast
Nigel Webster is a long-term Sunshine Coast resident, fishing journalist and TV presenter. In this episode he shares his five favourite places to fish the Sunshine Coast during the winter months, complete with lure list!
Episode 335: Perth Tailor With Daniel Funston
Daniel Funston Perth Tailor Fishing Enthusiast Daniel has spent several years figuring out how to use the wind and tide to know exactly where to chase tailor around Perth on a given day, as well as the tackle, lures and techniques that are most effective on this...

The Five Best Fishing Spots In Sydney With Luke Kay
The greater Sydney area has no shortage of fishing opportunities for lure tossers, as today’s guest Luke Kay shares in this interview. From the bays and estuaries to the ocean rocks, Luke takes us through where he likes to go in search of fish.
Episode 532: Top Brisbane Landbased Fishing Spots In Winter With Beau Rixon
Brisbane offers an astonishing range of land based fishing options to suit anglers of all skill levels, ranging from the hunble flathead right through to tailor, squid, bass and jewfish. Local fishing tutor and land-based guide Beau Rixon spends a lot of time fishing the area from the shore and teaching others to do the same, so for today’s episode I invited Bea to jump onboard and share some of his favourite land based spots.
Ben’s Sponsors
Penn Australia
Black Magic Hooks
Hi Ben,
I have trouble looking up a 9 foot 6-9kg Penn Conflict rod online. Is that a typo or is it because the rod is new and have yet to be released ?
Hey mate, sorry that was a blunder on my behalf. I said the wrong size. I have two outfits. It’s a Penn conflict freaky light 702 medium. It’s actually 4 to 8 kg and 7ft long